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You should feel good if you get any organic traffic

Tips for getting your ingenious ideas off the ground

The usual useful links about last week’s news

Weekly catch up

Some knowledge

  • Do you want more training on how to handle FB ads once iOS 14.5 hits? Sign up for this webinar.
  • ​Evidence that, yes, ????that update will actually happen, and probably very soon. Even though we feel like they’re just drawing things out for dramatic effect now.
  • Instagram is creating the ability to save stories as a draft. What a win for planners.
  • A friendly reminder to say sorry when you give a customer trash instead of cereal. The twist? Topanga’s husband wrote the tweet.

Some entertainment

  • We’ve been cracking up over this video because Kraft understood that the thought of Mayo is kinda nasty, but the taste is ????.
  • Talk about innovative, Dove is offering to cover advertisers’ costs for hiring certain models in order to increase ads’ diversity in South Africa.
  • There was some fun drama around zero-click searches on Twitter between Rand Fishkin and Danny Sullivan. Rand feels that Google is getting a little greedy by answering queries before users can make it to a site. Danny says zero-click searches are up, but with “no loss to creator traffic.” Barry Schwartz says they’re both using numbers to support their stories.


Matthew Kobach

Matthew Kobach works on creative projects (like using a line of athleisure to promote Fast, a finance company) and has convinced 111.1k Twitter followers that he’s worth listening to. Let us tell you about a cool strategy Matt used.

In order to grow the New York Stock Exchange’s social following with stock enthusiasts, Matt interviewed celebrities who visited the floor of the NYSE. Here are some lessons from Matt’s experience:

Lesson one: convince your superiors your strategy impacts the bottom line.

For instance, growing the NYSE’s social following with stock enthusiasts (who weren’t CEOs) wasn’t intuitive for a few people at Matt’s company because their focus was convincing CEOs to list on the NYSE.

Matt had to prove his strategy would persuade CEOs to list with them. He explained if the NYSE grew a large, engaged audience, they could use that to entice CEOs. As they went public, these companies would gain awareness when the NYSE posted about them.

Once people saw the connection to the business objective, they got all in. Well once Matt had the green light, he had to figure out how to convince these celebrities to actually have an interview with him.

Lesson two: don’t ask for favors, use empathy to find mutually beneficial solutions.

Instead of asking people for a quick favor, Matt thought about what they wanted from their day at the NYSE. He figured that any celebrity visiting was promoting something. So when he approached Shaq’s PR rep, he asked if Shaq had two minutes for an interview and if he had anything he’d like to promote. Sure some people said ‘no,’ but Shaq (and many others) said ‘yes.’

Matt said, “Think about what benefits them. And when you think about it that way, it all lines up. When you find that it doesn’t line up, then you’re asking for a favor.” It wasn’t useful to ask the celebrities for a favor, and he doesn’t recommend asking customers for favors either. Give the people want they want, people.

Wordless Wisdom

You: “Hey boss, you’re welcome that I get us any organic traffic.”