Interview with Vicky Iacarella
Vicky Iacarella is a Creative Director at Target. I mean, to many of us that sounds like the holy grail, right? She leads a team of creatives, such as art directors and copywriters, as they work on promotional marketing.
“And one of the words I like to use a lot is inspiration,” she says. “I feel one of my responsibilities is to inspire the people that I work with.” We are thrilled because she agreed to inspire you and I today. Here’s what she’s got.
Get out and find what resonates with you
Want to develop your creativity? Vicky says you
should leave the house, the office, and your normal spaces. When you get out, focus on finding newness. Artists throughout time have found creative inspiration through new sights and people. So give it a spin.
Besides getting inspired by what we find in these new places, getting out and seeing the wide world can clarify what matters to us and who we are. And that’s another way Vicky recommends growing your creativity: learning about who you are.
Listen for what you don’t see in yourself
As you get out in the world, who you are becomes more defined. The process takes time though, and most of us rarely feel complete clarity about our strengths and identity. While we’re on that path to self-enlightenment, Vicky encourages us to listen. “People will tell you things about yourself,” she promises. “You just might not see it in yourself yet.”
Grow where you’re planted
Vicky shared two of her unique characteristics that she’s developed:
- her leadership needs
- her Catholic faith
Many of the talented people Vicky leads have spent years developing skills in design, whereas Vicky’s background is in copywriting. Growing into her role required overcoming the doubt that she could lead people with technical design skills she hadn’t developed.
Vicky has also grown to appreciate how something that seems unrelated to her career, her Catholic faith, can actually enhance what she offers at work.
She explains, “I try to bring my unique and true self to work by learning what my inner talents or motivations are. And I navigate towards those because that’s where I will get the most joy in the work that I do.”
Vicky is a success story of digging in to find what makes you, you, and then applying that personal identity to the needs of your career.